Ginette has now joined Tamar on the islands! Thank you to Lynn Renton for delivering her safely to Penzance for us. Training is winding down now (the Ladies A even had a time for a cream tea after last Monday’s row – thank you Heidi) and there is less than a week to go before we will be heading west to join the gigs. In fact, this time next week day one of racing will be well and truly underway! We’ve been enjoying some much better weather recently, with some stunning weekend and evening rows. All the crews are looking strong, and despite some last minute injuries we have 4 full crews ready for action! The ladies managed a day sea training thanks to Bill Stacey-Norris a couple of weeks ago, and the men have been putting the hours in on the river. Now all that remains is to get everyone out to the Scillies and then to row our hearts out….bring it on!